
The Association was founded in Berlin in 2010. The VDEE has the agenda, within the scope of commercial heir finding to bring together and represent the interests of the professional heir finders.
At once the association considers itself to be an information and contact point for authorities and public institutions (probate courts, curators and administrators of estates, civil registry offices, archives etc.) as well as churches and legal pretenders.

A further level of ambition of the Association is also to advance the professionalism of this business line and to establish standards in the heir finding.

Check out this websites about the VDEE and its offerings.

Verband Deutscher Erbenermittler (VDEE®) e.V. • Kyffhäuserstr. 11 • 10781 Berlin
Tel.: 030 - 246 251 62 • Fax: 030 - 246 251 63 • E-Mail: mail@vdee-ev.de